Red Flags to Watch Out for When Starting Your First Burlesque Class

Embarking on your first burlesque class can be exhilarating—a journey into self-expression, sensuality, and confidence-building. However, like any new endeavour, it’s essential to navigate with caution, especially when it comes to selecting the right teacher and class environment. Here are some red flags to keep in mind as you embark on your burlesque journey:

  1. Lack of Credentials or Experience: A reputable burlesque instructor should have a solid background in burlesque. Look for teachers who can demonstrate their expertise through certifications, professional experience, or a successful career in the burlesque scene. Dont just take their word for it.
  2. Unsafe Teaching Practices: Burlesque is about embracing your body in a safe and empowering environment. Beware of instructors who encourage unsafe practices, such as excessive drinking before performances or inappropriate physical contact without consent.
  3. Body Shaming or Judgment: A supportive and inclusive atmosphere is crucial for a positive burlesque experience. Avoid teachers who promote unrealistic beauty standards or engage in body shaming. Your instructor should celebrate diversity and encourage self-love among all students, regardless of size, shape, or background.
  4. Lack of Respect for Boundaries: Consent is paramount in any burlesque class. If you feel pressured to perform or participate in activities that make you uncomfortable, it’s a major red flag. Your teacher should prioritize your boundaries and create a space where you feel empowered to express yourself at your own pace. The same goes for having minors in class. Burlesque is classed as adult entertainment therefore it would be unethical (dare I say borderline illegal) to have someone under the age of 18 in class.
  5. Exorbitant Fees or Hidden Costs: While quality instruction is worth investing in, be wary of classes that charge exorbitant fees or tack on hidden costs for costumes, props, or additional services. A reputable teacher will be transparent about pricing and provide value for your investment.
  6. Cult-Like Atmosphere: Burlesque is about self-expression, not conformity. Avoid classes or instructors that foster a cult-like atmosphere, where students are expected to adhere blindly to a specific ideology or lifestyle. Your burlesque journey should be about discovering your unique voice and style, not fitting into someone else’s mould. A good teacher will encourage you to attend other classes, shows and workshops.
  7. Lack of Respect for the Art Form: Burlesque has a rich history and tradition that deserves to be honoured and respected. Avoid instructors who trivialise or exploit the art form for personal gain or shock value. Look for teachers who approach burlesque with reverence, creativity, and a genuine passion for the craft. Another red flag is a teacher who trashes the adult dancing scene as they helped paved the way for us burlesque performers.
  8. Poor Communication or Professionalism: Clear communication and professionalism are essential qualities in any teacher-student relationship. If your instructor is frequently late, unresponsive to inquiries, or exhibits unprofessional behaviour, it may be a sign of deeper issues within the class environment.
  9. Limited Focus on Technique or Safety: While burlesque is known for its playful and provocative elements, it’s also a disciplined art form that requires proper technique and safety precautions. Beware of classes that prioritise performance over technique or fail to provide adequate instruction on injury prevention.
  10. Negative Reputation or Reviews: Before enrolling in a burlesque class, do your research. Check online reviews, ask for recommendations from fellow performers or students, and gauge the reputation of the teacher within the burlesque community. If you come across consistent negative feedback or warnings from others, it’s wise to proceed with caution.

Ultimately, finding the right burlesque class and teacher is about trusting your instincts and prioritising your well-being. By staying vigilant for red flags and seeking out instructors who embody professionalism, respect, and inclusivity, you can embark on your burlesque journey with confidence and empowerment.

PS I teach 🙂

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