New Year. New Start

A few months ago I didnt see myself as being technically homeless (living with mate now)  and very much single for 2013. After a terrible breakup with someone I thought I knew better, losing friends in the aftermath and having to move out of the home I shared with him; I find myself very much alone. I have ‘our’ dog so not entirely alone but this brings its own issues. I wouldnt change my decision to leave my partner. It was not working. I dont hate him. Pity is all I feel. Actions in the aftermath have been eye opening to say the least but lets not dwell on stuff like this.

I have taken the decision to go back to part time work. If nothing else but to focus my mind and my heart more. I need it. I let my heart blind me for so long it is time I took charge. Spending too much time fixated on the burlesque world has left me flounding.

The last year all heart break related things aside has been actually one of my best.

I have been in my first film: Jimmy’s End. A magical experience that this new year will open doors for me.

I am working for a magazine and gaining new experiences, not to mention doors opening.

Performing all over Europe and the UK has taken my burlesque career places I never thought it would.

I have gained in self confidence and really have been pushing myself. I am so proud of all that I have achieved.

Whilst I may not know where I am going to live (talk of me going to Australia has been mentioned) I know I am all the better for it. I am honestly a better person. I did what I knew was right even though it hurt so much at the time. I know that I have huge challenges ahead that seem almost impossible but I am going to try.

Please support me. I need it. If anything it is a bit lonely at times.

I would like to take the time out to say to those who rang me, hugged me and told me I was going to be ok. Thank you. I never appreciated something so much as I did this.

New Year's Eve outfit.... 🙂

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  1. Oh KK, I had no idea, I’ve been a bit twitter absent of late, and although I’m not a “real life” friend, you know I love you immensely. So sorry for the crappiness in your life, but I’m sure you know just how much you are loved by those who have the pleasure to make your acquaintance.

    The fact you have the strength to ask for help and consideration is amazing. I’m one of those tools who says “it’s ok, I’ll be ok” you’ve just made me realise it’s ok to say, “hug me” “I feel crap” so thanks love!

    Sending just the most massive hugs

    X x

  2. seeing how you are coping has really helped me.

    1. Anytime you need any support, just email. xxxx

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