Something Wicked This Way Comes

Followers of this blog or my Twitter…hell even my Facebook will know that I am a huge fan of photographer Mitch Jenkins. I have been a fan of his and Paul Chessell since we all worked together on the Dodgem Logic front cover for Alan Moore. Blog about it is here! The man is a top photographer and his team are amazing. Paul is such a darling who cracks me up constantly. Mitch and I are terribly bad behaved whenever together.

Copright Mitch Jenkins/Dodgem Logic
Copyright Mitch Jenkins/Dodgem Logic. The cover!
Copyright Mitch Jenkins/Dodgem Logic...thats me across the front!

Well a short while ago I worked with him again…I blogged it naturally here. Until recently I havent really seen the results. That was until today…

Here is a teaser shot. Please note that this is Mitch’s photo so no copying and using etc!

COpyright Mitch Jenkins
Copyright Mitch Jenkins

A link to Mitch’s blog post is here: MITCH JENKINS BLOG

Something wicked and new comes from Khandie and the Mitch Jenkins empire…I am excited to see the results. More shoots with his lordship to do!

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