I am honoured to be featured in the Plus Size Pinup Blog! Enjoy! LINK TO POST!
It has been asked many a time of me if I will sell my used stockings. I mean Dita does it… and so do a few other performers. Finally I …
Hi there, Here you will find a number of items of merchandise I have for sale. Print 1 – Headshots The print currently available is: Please note that the background …
Tour Endex
This is me sat in a cold terminal in Sydney. Thats right I said cold. Not only does Australia love its air con but they love it cold. Didnt realise …
Lots to do and little time to do it
well this is it. The home run if you will. The final few days before I jet off to Australia. Before i shimmy and shake those tassels down under (i …
Blah Fashion
Given that my Blah Fashion blog posts were some of my most popular I decided to set up a separate blog for them. So starting today I am also running …
End of an Era
Well that is it….I have made the biggest step in my life (well since leaving the military). I have officially handed in my notice at my day job. It was …
Quiffs and Cocktails
Ok so this is a bit late…I humbly apologise. Ok I dont because its my blinking blog so I can post as and when I feel the need. Given that …
Bobbing Along…
Blinking heck. That was a marathon of a few days by anyone’s standards. I have worked out I have spent approximately 18 hours travelling in the last four days. First …
Khandie Kholumns!
Sometime ago I started writing columns for the 21st Century Burlesque website. If you have yet to visit the website you really should. It comes recommended from some of the …