Something New

Recently I broke up with the person I thought was the love of my life. Turns out he wasnt and I deserve something better but lets not bash the poor guy. Seems not many people liked him. Funny how that happens when you break up with someone. I will however remain dignified and composed. Backstabbing and going behind someone’s back just aint my style…I cant say it isnt his.

I had planned to do a shoot for a long time with the wonderful Nils from Immortaleye Photography. Just this time not pinup in the traditional sense. The whole burlesque scene is flooded with mock retro pinups so I decided to do something different. Yep, out came the geek/nerd glasses and the band tshirts (72% Morrissey and Led Zepplin). I dont have the finished images but the ‘behind the scenes’ shots are causing quite the stir on the internet….so here you go have some of your own.

Just what the doctored ordered when your heart is broken and you feel betrayed.

Rocking the new River Island body...tenner in the sales!
72% Morrissey tshirt. Groupie!
Beloved Led Zep tshirt! Proper vintage too.
tis al in the boobs!

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