So I went to class

This week I did something I guess you could call somewhat naughty. It was not intended to be underhanded but I can see how it can be viewed as such.

A wonderful friend of mine came to me to ask if I would go to a dance class near her home. Without too much investigation I said ok. When the day of the class rolled round, I inquired what we were doing exactly. ‘Showbiz Dance’ was her previous answer. then the words came ‘Burlesque class’. Crap. How would another teacher feel me waltzing into her class!? I may not be well known but if she asked any questions I would be unable to lie and have to admit I was a full time burlesque performer. My friend stated she just needed some moral support (her personal life has been tough of late to say the least), hence her asking me.

I arrived in class..quietly taking my place at the back. We hit the ground running and it was over in an hour. After my friend asked me what I thought. I was surprised and disappointed in equal measure:

  1. The teacher constantly referred to making us ‘stars’. When most of the ladies were just doing this to ‘try it out’. Some of them seemed to feel put out as the only stars the teacher referred to was Dita Von Teese, someone known of them really could relate to. One asked who she was. As a teacher you need to educate your class attendees in a variety of performance styles (though you can focus on one style) and this means showing how varied the burlesque scene is. It makes good business sense to also ensure that each attendee finds some common ground with burlesque just so they feel more comfortable in learning.
  2. Teaching a room full of various abilities one very structured set routine doesnt always work and can further isolate your attendees. As a teacher you need to adapt and be flexible. Not everyone is from a dance background.
  3. Please dont use THE STRIPPER. It is a VERY repeative song and constantly playing it will drive people nuts. I would look at alternatives and be sure to vary it from time to time.
  4. I loved how enthusiastic this teacher was. She clearly loved teaching and it helped with the lesson. Teachers should always be excited to teach. It  encourages it in return. Smiles all round.
  5. Bringing your own experiences helps. Whilst there is some controversy whether performers can teach burlesque, bring your background into the class room. This teacher had a background in ballet. Her body awareness was outstanding!

When you go to a teacher, you need to know what you are getting. If it is to have a giggle or laugh then crack on, but if you are looking for more from the class. GO HUNTING! Find a teacher who is recommended and someone who is well respected in the burlesque community.

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